January 13, 2022

I am growing older. It is a glorious adventure; I would like to treat it as such. This year, I’d like to channel the perspective of my daughter when she looks up at me and tells me I’m beautiful and knows it to be true.

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  • Reply Jen Sonntag January 14, 2022 at 6:29 AM

    I am grateful to be reading your words again on a regular basis. I’ve followed your blog (and also did on insta) for many years. Thank you for writing and sharing and speaking truth and shining lights on what we might miss if we’re going too quick.

    • Reply Rach Kincaid January 25, 2022 at 7:17 AM

      Thank you for saying hi again/here :) I can walk away from many parts of the World Wide Web these days, but not this baby.

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