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2022 health & wellness life in alaska

October 23, 2022

Most certainly do not recommend food poisoning. I got my first taste (oops) last night and paid a dear price.

Most certainly do recommend, however, IV hydration therapy. I am privileged to both know a gal and have the funds to cover it. I bounced back enough for church, and even managed to teach a few new hospice volunteers in the afternoon.

I have since returned to the couch with a significant amount of fatigue and newfound appreciation for the Meyers Cocktail. This town is small but mighty. And that crab chowder was good.

2022 health & wellness politics & leadership

October 22, 2022

We’ve been trying to sound the alarm for years. Violence against healthcare workers has increased at an alarming rate, and now it’s at an all-time high. Nearly half of all nurses in the United States have experienced physical assault on the job, and nearly three-fourths of us are regularly verbally assaulted. Healthcare workers are now diagnosed with clinical PTSD at a similar rate as active-duty military personnel. The pandemic simply exposed and exacerbated that which was slowly and steadily boiling beneath the surface.

And now two more of us are dead, and I’m not sure how else to feel except for scared and angry.

2022 motherhood

October 21, 2022

I came home to this twin of mine, who turns thirteen next week and likes my music and says things like I don’t like who I am when I’m grumpy and tired. I love him so.


October 19, 2022

Today will always be a party trick…

Yes, it’s true. My parents have the same birthday.

Happiest of days, Mom & Dad!

2022 politics & leadership

October 18, 2022

There are days like today when I try to tell my boss it feels like the hardest day of my career. And then he reminds me I received an Immediate Jeopardy tag just a few weeks after becoming a nursing home administrator, and we made it through. Not only that, but we appealed and fought and got the citation overturned.

There are hard days, and there will be harder days, and there have been harder days. It’s all relative, I guess, and orientation is everything.

2022 community life lately

October 17, 2022

And after the years away, I’m back on Facebook. A friend shared our outfits today, both at work and on a boat at sunset while we pulled crab; we matched inadvertently both times. There is no time like the present to love the people in front of me, and to do so publicly. Cheers.