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2022 motherhood the whole & simple gospel

October 16, 2022

Tonight, I got to take my preteen daughters to their first women’s ministry event at my church. The speaker shared about the need for community, and about being encouraged by a book written by an old friend of mine, and all of the worlds I’ve ever known collided at once. I’m teaching at this event next month and I don’t know how I’m gonna get through it with my girls in the audience. Following Jesus is the hardest and sweetest adventure.

2022 life in alaska life lately motherhood

October 14, 2022

There might be something more magical than leaving the college on Fridays, and walking up the street in the crisp fall air just in time to watch my girls file into the dance studio for Nutcracker rehearsal in their black leotards and pink tights. There might be. I just doubt it,

2022 politics & leadership

October 12, 2022

There is a cost to leadership.

Often, people express their frustration or hurt feelings with me and I think if you only knew the backstory or if you only knew my heart. Instead I say things like, Thanks for trusting me with this. I value you. I’m sorry.

It is worth it.

2022 life in alaska

October 10, 2022

It snowed across the bay last week, and it snowed a few miles north of us this afternoon, and it snowed up on the ridge in town this evening. Winter is coming; I am patiently waiting for her.