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2022 motherhood

September 7, 2022

The rest of the kids went to youth group this evening, so I put my daughter to bed with a lingering hug and extra squeezes. While she was in my arms, I thought I really don’t do this enough.

2022 household management

September 5, 2022

There are so many things about my home that I’d like to fix or improve or create or redo. But when it comes down to it, this space is perfectly fine; and perfectly fine is more than enough.

When I’m feeling unsettled or discontent in my home, a quick refresher helps. I fold and stack sweaters with a candle lit or a fancy cup of tea nearby, fun soundtrack playing in the background. Or I’ll move plants or rugs or artwork around, and suddenly the old feels new again.

When I’m feeling restless or out of control with the world, though, I call upon the defiant act of quieting my space. Forever grateful for this wisdom.