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2022 health & wellness politics & leadership the whole & simple gospel

July 22, 2022

I found this in my drafts from four years ago… wild are the winding walkways on which I’ve wandered.

Several years ago, I stopped saying that I work as a nurse so that my husband can do vocational ministry. We’re both in ministry. Whether I’m waiting tables or taking care of dying people, it’s all worship. It’s all service. It’s all ministry.

But dang, there is something seriously sacred about taking care of dying people. I’ve never left a day of work wondering if I did anything of importance. I haven’t had a crisis of career or purpose since taking that first hospice job.

I think I still feel this way.

2022 health & wellness household management life lately

July 21, 2022

Our sweet Jolene was spayed yesterday, and I find myself overwhelmed with the emotional labor it takes to get a 100+ pound, vulnerable, non-verbal creature through such a traumatic, life-altering procedure. The meds are many and the incision is inches — inches! — long. I’ve been navigating this stuff with humans for decades, but I can’t explain a thing to her. We do not deserve dogs.

2022 marriage motherhood

July 18, 2022

Last night, the kids set up camp in the yard and cooked their own dinner. We watched just long enough to ensure safety and morale were in adequate supply, and then we retreated to the house because we get to take showers and sleep in our bed there. Coming home early was the right move.

2022 health & wellness life in alaska

July 17, 2022

My boss often says, Don’t listen to your instincts. Obey them.

My instincts told me this weekend’s trip would be too much for us — too hard, too cold, too rainy. I hadn’t meal prepped in time. I hadn’t checked the weather enough. It was all true. We came back a day early, because this time I didn’t just have to listen to my instincts… I had to obey them.