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2022 COVID-19 politics & leadership

July 15, 2022

It is absolutely mind-blowing to me that I find myself editing visitation policy for my hospital today, TWENTY-FIVE months after this pandemic slammed into us. Once the vaccines arrived, I told everyone who would listen that we were in the fourth quarter of this thing. The end felt so near, we all collectively taste it. But then, Delta. And then, Omicron. And now, my team talks of Operationalizing COVID while we see record numbers of staff absent due to illness or exposure. I am officially out of witty words and pep talks for myself and my staff and my friends who are strangers on the internet. I simply put one foot in front of the other each day, and I expect everyone else is doing the same.

2022 marriage motherhood

July 13, 2022

I have the hardest time remembering my youngest child’s birthday. Perhaps because the date and year were so close? 7/14/13. Even just now, I typed it wrong and had to erase and fix. Anyway, I spent a solid portion of this morning convinced I’d screwed it up and missed it this year. Sorry, baby. Momma loves you on all of the days.

2022 politics & leadership

July 12, 2022

I hope to spend the rest of my life learning what servant leadership looks like. For now, though, I’m also in a position to model it for a new generation of leaders; that part is really, really fun.

2022 Uncategorized

July 10, 2022

I could do this for a living, my daughter says as she gives her best attempt at a back massage for a total of 27 seconds before becoming bored. There is weird pinching and chopping and inconsistent coverage, but man… she means it. She’s hired.