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June 30, 2022

On these last days of June, we celebrate lupine’s farewell and fireweed’s greeting. We drive to visit a new town and see what we can see. We settle into summer and soak up each day of sixty-five degree sunshine. We love Alaska a little bit more.


June 29, 2022

It’s nice to be with a man who notices my every outfit, down to the are these new? directed at a simple pair of yoga pants at the gym.


June 28, 2022

I googled how to pronounce yucca, before I ordered it at a solo dinner tonight, complete with a book and a martini.


June 27, 2022

For someone who loves a neat and tidy life, I sure do not mind roughing up the book I’m reading. Something about the water stains and folded pages and crumbs and hidden receipts says, I was here and it mattered.


June 26, 2022

I spent all day outside, literally moving earth and falling asleep in the sun, only to come inside for bed to find this beautiful vignette. I cannot believe we get to call this place home.


June 25, 2022

The kids and their gang, the Hancock Crew, held a bake sale today. They’ve been doing chores around the neighborhood and have decided to try a different business venture. It was one of the greater joys of my life, to watch my children plan and plan and plan and then set up and pitch to total strangers and lose their courage and pitch again and sell all of the baked goods I had to help them finish in the eleventh hour.