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June 10, 2022

The world is short-staffed. The world is tired. The world is worried. The world is broken. The world is ripe for a revival of hope and joy.


June 9, 2022

In the process of helping to build teams at my hospital right now and if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times… Character over competency. We can bring people up to speed on the hard skills of leadership, but now is not the time to teach the soft. The soft skills have gotta be there already.


June 8, 2022

Today it was my name announced as the next Chief Nursing Officer of South Peninsula Hospital. Never thought I’d score my dream gig this early in my career, but I’m ready to learn while I lead. Here’s hoping I have what it takes. Let’s do this!


June 7, 2022

On the day we left for vacation, I went clamming with a team from work. It was a questionable call, to add more to an already stressful schedule. But oh, was it the right decision. Elbow-deep in the sand is a happy place for me. I was born to get dirty and dig.


June 6, 2022

Returned to work and accepted an offer today that’ll change my life forever. Already has. Nervous and grateful, just the way I like it.


June 5, 2022

I’ve been tracking myself long enough to know when an OCD-type flare is brewing. PMS, Sunday Scaries, transitions in and out of our home are all triggers for my effective-yet-unhealthy coping mechanisms. Organizing a closet is better than binging on Netflix or doom scrolling, but it doesn’t settle me into my bones. What does, I’m learning, is the discipline required to ride the wave and resist the urge. Today, I went upstairs with the intention of purging clothes and instead, put on a wacky outfit and tidied in the sun. I’m in my bones today.


June 4, 2022

Although they’d ridden across the country and Canada to get here two years ago, they’d never flown before our trip down south last month. They’d also never visited their hometown after moving away, and I wasn’t sure how they’d handle it all. They were awesome, from layovers to long walks with suitcases, from car rides to jet lag, from joyful reunions to tearful goodbyes. I should not be shocked that my babies travel so well, so I will not be. I am simply grateful and relieved that the world is now in fact our oyster, and I get to explore it with my people.