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2022 marriage

November 28, 2022

There is something very powerful — healing, almost — about fighting with the person you’re still choosing to spend the rest of your life alongside.

2022 life lately

November 24, 2022

On the one hand, it would be nice to have a family or an outfit or a food photo once in awhile. On the other hand, it feels so incredibly good to go days without thinking about or planning or shooting or editing or posting said it photo. Happy Thanksgiving, all. Today was beautiful and I have absolutely nothing to show for it.

2022 community household management

November 22, 2022

Have you ever associated a single task with a single thought just one time, and then the two are inextricably linked forever?

I remember talking with a friend in elementary school, soon after learning to shave my legs (it was the end of fourth grade, when a boy called attention to my leg hair and my mom conceded). Anyway, so I’m excitedly broadcasting the news to my friend and she goes, my sister says you should shave across your knee, not up and down, so that you don’t cut yourself. I filed that tip away and to this day, I cannot touch a razor to my leg without picturing an elementary school acquaintance’s wiser older sister. Thank you for your service.

2022 community motherhood

November 21, 2022

We ventured into a new era of parenting tonight, after receiving a mildly concerning behavior report regarding my twin daughters. We used the feelings wheel and walked the fine line between you should not care what people think and also reputation affects future opportunity. There were tears and hugs and written apologies and a plan for a fresh start. During the long and emotional evening, we interrupted by a phone, a local kid wanting to apologize for something something unrelated but which also affected said twin daughters. I love parenting tweens in this town.