Teaching at my church tonight. It’s been a long, weird road but I wound up believing in the same gospel that brought me here.
Just heard a news story about Bob Dylan’s old love letters getting sold at auction, which is why 99.9% of the things I write down are already public.
My stint as college professor ends today. I am so proud of these students and also so in love with community college culture and also so exhausted.
The post-pandemic cold virus is no joke. Also! Every time our family falls ill, I harbor bitterness toward my children who bounce back after a day, while I barely feel human after a week.
Don’t care how old or how healthy I get… I will always crave a fast food spicy chicken sandwich when I have a cold.
I probably say sorry too much; better to err there than in not saying it enough, I think.
Jolene is in her new home. The lady cat is in her new home. The boy cat will go back to his old home just as soon as his owner moves into a pet-friendly apartment. The leather chair we loved for years and no longer had rooms or use for has found a new home. Carpets have been scrubbed and couch covers have been washed. There is sadness here, but there is hope and even expectation and hope that accompanies fresh, clean starts.