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preggo products…

Just want to share my love for a few things that the sisters have enjoyed during this pregnancy…

WATER. Some people love it. They can’t get enough. I’m not like that. I have to remind myself to drink it (lots of it), and I’m picky about the containers from which I drink. I like ice-cold water, and I don’t want to taste the bottle/cup while I’m enjoying the beverage.

I’ve recently fallen in love with the lifefactory bottle, which I picked up at Miss Monkey’s sale. It holds 20oz of the good stuff, it’s glass/BPA-free, it’s pretty, and it’s dishwasher-safe. I picked white so I’d refrain from sharing with all of the messy/dirty boys in my house. This is Momma’s special water bottle! They have a baby/kid collection, too. I swooned when I saw all of the colors online!

SNAPPLE PEACH TEA. Speaking of fluid intake, I prefer something with a little more flavor. Like any respectable Southern girl, I love a good glass of sweet tea. My husband makes it to perfection.

Only recently have I started craving this peach stuff. I have no idea why I like it, and I know it’s probably full of sugar and other things I don’t need. But it says “all natural” on the bottle – that’s gotta count for something, right?!


BLOOD BUILDER. This pregnancy has really taken a toll on my iron/hemoglobin. I’d already added Floradix early on. During one lab draw last month, though, my HgB read three points under the minimum acceptable level.

My doctor mentioned “doing something about it” if it didn’t come up, motioning as if to give me a shot in my leg. No, thank you!! I got together with my midwife, and she recommended this supplement. My hemoglobin has risen almost two points since!

CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM. My relationship with ice cream seems to go in phases. We hadn’t kept it in the house for awhile, even at the beginning of this pregnancy. But for the last few months, it’s been really hard to get all of my calories in. I have a decreased appetite, and I feel full after only a few bites of a meal. My poor stomach is running out of room.
Chris has started scooping me a bowl of ice cream every night before bed. We try to buy the healthier kinds, but when it comes down to it… I need the fat/protein/carbs. Even my multiples book recommends ice cream as a daily snack. I’m not complaining!


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grocery goodness

Since posting about our chalkboard, I’ve received a few questions regarding our grocery shopping routine. We’re not professionals, by any means. We’re just trying to eat healthy & buy smart.
Before our grocery trips, we take inventory. We open up all of the doors, and I write down what’s currently in our pantry, fridge, & freezer. Then I look through websites & cookbooks, comparing recipes to the list of what we currently have. I try to select meals that require buying only one or two additional items. This usually takes about an hour total.
Our buying system varies, depending on seasons/pregnancies/babies/finances. 
Here’s a little glimpse into a typical winter shopping trip on a very tight budget:
Sticking to the list. We do not vary from the list, no matter how painful. 
Shopping with someone helps with accountability!
No catering to the little ones. We cannot afford the cost (or trash) of individually-packaged toddler foods. Our kids eat what we eat, even at an early age. These animal crackers can be enjoyed by everyone, and the big tub is great for customizable serving sizes.
Buying it frozen. We are blessed to have three farmers’ markets within as many miles. There is nothing like fresh, local produce! During the winter months, though, frozen is a good alternative. The crops are harvested when ready, making them more nutrient-rich. And we’re not throwing out rotten, uneaten veggies at the end of the week.
Keeping it simple. Chris is not too happy about the recent switch… he used to buy individual (read: fancy) ingredients and make a huge salad to keep in the fridge. It was delicious, but we often threw out brown lettuce and soggy toppings. Right now, less is more. We buy just enough for one or two meals, and no toppings.
No filling the cart. If we must balance & stack items to keep everything in, then we’re not sticking to the list. If we’ve forgotten to check the remaining amount of a staple item at home, we don’t buy it this trip. We’ll be back next week – same time, same place.
We successfully fed two adults and three kids all week long on this amount.  Dinners consisted of shrimp & grits, spaghetti, and beans & rice. We also ate breakfasts and lunches at home. It’s not gourmet and it’s not always exciting, but we get it done. This is an ever-evolving process for us, and I love to learn… please feel free to share your tips!
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cloth diaper tutorial update

Almost a year ago, I posted a Kincaid family cloth diaper tutorial. We were only months into it at the time, and I was neck-deep. I dabbled in a little bit of everything, as I didn’t want to miss anything that might make it easier or cheaper or more fun. Since then, I’ve had lots of people ask me what we’re doing diaper-wise on a regular basis. I wanted to update you, so here it is!

We’ve simplified significantly. I was all about the giveaways & random internet deals back then, and I don’t regret it. We tried literally EVERYTHING: all-in-ones, all-in-two’s, pockets, fitteds, prefolds, & flats. [Note: to learn about the different types, refer back to my tutorial post]. We honestly didn’t find a diaper we didn’t like. I will say Blueberry & Fuzzibunz did not fit Ames well, as he is small-for-age & had pretty skinny legs up until recently. At around seven months, we pared down our stash and sold off a bunch of fluff – cloth has excellent resale value!
We still use a few random diapers of old in our current stash. For example, Ames sleeps through the night in a bumGenius 3.0, stuffed with two microfiber inserts. I must say this is the stinkiest part of our system, and we’re probably eliminating it soon. We’re also keeping the few AppleCheeksSoftbums we have. They’re soft & easy, and Lucas is proficient with them. After battling ammonia issues, though, we’ve settled on a simpler diaper system & a simpler wash routine. Natural fibers + Tide detergent = success!
Here’s what we’re currently doing with Ames’ bum:
FLATS (I don’t like ’em; Chris is a folding wizard)
SNAPPIS (to fasten the prefolds/flats)


COVERS (wool & PUL)


 Here are some of my favorite brands:
There you have it! 
Hope this encourages some of you to consider the fluffy life!

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spoiling twin girls…

Last pregnancy, I prided myself on being thrifty when it came to baby gear. Regardless of the fact that we’re always on a tight budget, I love a good deal. I enjoy consignment shopping. My favorite part is digging through bargain bins and finding treasures that someone else overlooked. I feel powerful after stumbling upon a barely-used piece of gear. What can I say, I wanna stick it to the man! 
Quick rundown of expenditures for Ames:
Furniture – My parents gave us my old crib & dresser for his nursery. A friend lent us a moses basket with a cradle rocker for the newborn stage. So his sleeping arrangements were free.
Diapering – Bought from Craigslist, DiaperSwappers, & LiveJournal. I  think I spent around $500 total. It’s possible to diaper from birth to potty-training for $100, but I liked shopping for cute ones.
Food – Breastmilk is free, but it certainly is hard work!
CarseatChicco KeyFit for free from CharlotteMommies. I spent $75 on a new cover & accessories.
Stroller/Transportation – Didn’t use a stroller at first. We scored a Chicco umbrella stroller on sale this summer for $40. If you’re into babywearing, you’ll be proud of the deals I landed. We got a Maya ring sling (worth $66) for $15 at a YMCA rummage sale, a used BabyHawk (worth $80) for $40 from another mama. We found several other pouch slings from consignment shops and received a Moby Wrap as a gift.
We didn’t drop a thousands of dollars on beautiful cribs and strollers that drive themselves, though I would have loved to have those! It really isn’t hard to save money when getting ready for a baby. All it takes is a sense of thrift, some discipline, & a little elbow grease. Oh, and it helps to be internet-savvy! I’ve become proficient at sites like BabyHalfOff and forums where moms post “In-Search-Of” & “I Have to Offer” lists.
That being said, the impending birth of an opposite gender + DOUBLE THE BABY makes for a very wishful mama. Here’s what I have my eye on this time around. I feel overly-indulgent for even window shopping, but I can’t help it! I even started a list of drool-worthy items on Wishpot.
Furniture – Chris & I recently fell in love with these mini-cribs by Da Vinci. They even convert to twin beds, so the girls will be set for years to come!
Diapering – In a world of tacky & shoddy diaper bags, my green Puma bowling bag has been faithful.
That being said, I’ve always wanted a Petunia Picklebottom Boxy Backpack.
My favorite print is “Afternoon in Aberdeen.”
Food – My Medela Pump-in-Style’s motor gave out right at the end of Ames’ nursing career. It had already been through two of my friend’s kids, though. I’m impressed! I’d love this Medela Freestyle pump for the twins. Lord knows I’m gonna need a good workhorse of a machine!
Stroller – I get dizzy just thinking about pushing three kids around! Thank goodness for the big boys. They’re so stinkin’ helpful. We’re in need of a double stroller that seats two older babies, but with the double infant-seat option. That way, we wear one twin and put the other one + Ames in the stroller. Or Ames can go one of us, and the twins will ride in the stroller. Some even have an accessory for a third seat. Lastly, I need it to collapse easily and quickly. Are you dizzy now? There aren’t a whole lot of options out there, but I’ve heard raving twin-mom reviews about Mountain Buggy & ValcoBaby.
This Mountain Buggy is on sale right now for several hundred dollars off – definitely tempting! A third kid can ride on the back with a Kiddie Board accessory.
This ValcoBaby actually allows for FOUR kids to ride. In addition to the somewhat creepy and totally awesome toddler jump seat, another toddler can stand on the back.
I’m a little apprehensive about the side-by-side double strollers. I like the ones that maintain the width of a single. We’ll probably end up getting this Chicco Cortina Together, because it’s more reasonably priced. And our infant seats click in without any attachments! Easy-breezy!
Regardless, I don’t think we’ll buy one until the twins arrive. That way, we can get an idea of exactly what we want & need. I have a feeling there aren’t going to be a lot of trips out of the house with just one parent! Chris said not to worry about him. Apparently, his plan is to hit up the grocery store wearing one twin, with the other twin on Lucas, & Ames in the cart. Oh, the mental pictures!
It is fun to daydream about buying all of this gear! For now, though, I’ll keep scouring the internet for cloth diaper & babywearing deals. The rest of the stuff we’ll just figure out as we go along…
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not everyone gets a typical Christmas 2.0…

When I told my husband I was scheduled to work Christmas morning, we immediately went into planning mode. You see, last year I worked Christmas Day. I was new, fresh off of maternity leave, and I wanted to be a team player. I didn’t say a word when I learned I was scheduled to work Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.
I actually enjoyed my shift (I used to work with kids at a psychiatric hospital), and I was off at 3pm in time to enjoy time with both my in-laws and parents. However, I was later able to look back and pinpoint Christmas Day as the catalyst for my bout with postpartum depression. I was numb after work, and I didn’t really soak up the holiday spirit. I was not gonna let that happen this year. We decided to have an early breakfast at Waffle House before my shift this year. My parents jumped at the idea when they heard. My sleepyhead brother even decided to join us. I was beyond excited!
5am Christmas mornin’ came early. I showered, dressed, and woke up my beloved. He stumbled out of bed and into a pair of long johns. Once he got his pants up over them, he walked back into the bedroom and flopped straight back on the bed. He mumbled something about needing me to come to him. I thought that lazy man was falling back asleep; apparently, his long underwear had ridden up under his pants, and he wanted me to pull them down for him! I laughed and obliged.
Ames was so cheerful. He didn’t mind the early wake-up call whatsoever. We got him into a new diaper and threw a coat over his pajamas. He cooed and giggled as Chris strapped him into the carseat, and then we were off. This might have been the best Christmas morning I’ve ever shared with my family. At one point, we were the only patrons in the diner. There was lot of coffee. My heart was full.
My shift was long, but I got through it. There was free food and lots of Christmas cheer at the hospital. Everyone working was in the same boat – at work and away from their family; we all made the most of it. Snow was falling as I ran out to greet Chris & the boys. They went overboard telling me how much they’d missed me and wishing me a Merry Christmas. I tried to soak it up, but I just wanted to be quiet for a few minutes. I could feel that dreaded darkness creeping into my heart, the bitterness at having missed another Christmas with my loved ones. 
I only let one tear roll down my cheek, though. It escaped when I saw my parents standing in the doorway of their home, waiting for me with open arms. They hadn’t eaten or opened a single present all day. They’d volunteered at the local rescue mission that morning and prepared a huge meal for us to share when I got off work. I about lost it. I am so blessed!
The stockings were hung & stuffed – all 10 of them. There was one for each of us, and two mini stockings hanging behind mine. Remember the part where we’re having twin girls in the spring? Remember the time we’re about to become a family of seven, with five kids? My family is so thoughtful. Chris kept saying it over and over. I’m glad he loves my parents as much as I do. 
We had an amazing late dinner and loaded everyone up. It was quick but precious. I got sad again on the way home, but the husband was so sweet and encouraging. One more day, he said. I just had to make it through one more day, and I had four days off to relax and catch up on Christmas. 
That man followed through, alright. He woke up early with me yesterday and drove me to work in the snow –  it was so pretty! We ate breakfast in the car and talked quietly in the empty parking lot before I walked into the hospital. It was so tender. 
The day went by fairly quickly, and Chris had my parents pick me up. When we walked in the front door, he had two pots of chili on the stove, the baby bathed & pajama-ed, and the house ready for guests – my family was staying for dinner…surprise! My brother walked in a few minutes later, and we all shared a few more hours of fellowship. My mom and dad even joined in on a game of bocce ball on the new PlaystationMove, the attachment system we supposedly “got the boys” for Christmas.
This morning kicks off my four-day vacation from work.
You can follow along on my twitter account, @LetterstoAmes.
So far, I’ve showered and eaten a delicious breakfast prepared by the boys.
Now, I’m lying on my bed sipping coffee and snacking on pineapple.
Chris banished me after I tried to help him fold laundry. It’s almost 2pm.
I think I might have died and gone to heaven.

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All of my kids…

Ames, you already know you have to share me with your two older brothers, Lucas & Avery.
But did you know you share me with an unlimited number of kids at Momma’s work? 
I work with 3-11 year-olds at a behavioral health hospital. 
The patients’ problems span a vast range, but all of them are in need of love. 
I do my best to give it to them. 
I entered a CottonBabies contest for Mother’s Day. The prompt was to write a letter to a little person…
“I’m so glad you were born.” For some reason, I kept thinking about my kids at work.
Here’s what your momma wrote:
To my patients on 2-East (children’s locked unit @ a behavioral health hospital),
All of you are broken and hurting. Most of you live day to day, bed to bed, meal to meal. Some of you will never see your mothers again. And a few of you have never known a mother’s love at all. Though I have two children by marriage and my own new baby at home, I come to work each day in order to mother you the best I know how. And to think – I went all the way through nursing school, clueless to the fact that I’d wind up a psychiatric nurse, taking care of you kids. I can’t explain any other way than to say it just feels so right. You are where I belong.
I loved you, even before you walked through the front doors of the hospital. When I met you, my heart broke all over again. I think about you when I leave work, and I try my hardest to make you smile each time I see you. You have given a whole new meaning to the word, “patience.” I know it’s hard for you up on the unit. Nobody’s ever cared for you the way we do. Nobody’s ever followed your every move, keeping you safe and teaching you how to function in society.
When I see you grow frustrated with tasks you’re not used to doing. I know it’s coming – that familiar rage you’ve grown so used to feeling. When I see your jaws tighten and your fists clench, when I ask you to take a time out, and even when I’m holding you as you swing and kick and battle those demons within, I want you to know that I’m loving you the whole time.
I’m praying for you, and I’m cheering for you. I want the world for you kids. Each time I escort one of you off the unit upon your discharge, I say a quick prayer that I’ll never have to take care of you in these circumstances again…that I’ll only run into you in the community, you with big grins on your faces and me with a heart full of pride. You are not mistakes. You are not forgotten. You are the future, and I am so thankful to be a part of it. I am so glad you were born.
I only wish I could include a picture (arghh, HIPAA) of one of my patients.
 I’ve had some really cute ones.
Anyway, baby boy… thanks for sharing your mother. 
Thanks for making me a mother. 
Happy  Mother’s Day, boy.