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health & wellness

2022 health & wellness life in alaska

July 17, 2022

My boss often says, Don’t listen to your instincts. Obey them.

My instincts told me this weekend’s trip would be too much for us — too hard, too cold, too rainy. I hadn’t meal prepped in time. I hadn’t checked the weather enough. It was all true. We came back a day early, because this time I didn’t just have to listen to my instincts… I had to obey them.

2022 health & wellness politics & leadership

January 30, 2022

It’s surprisingly easy to talk about folks, especially women, who broke down and went crazy or had a full-on meltdown or flew off the handle. It’s a heck of a lot harder to discuss the slow boil that eventually became too hot to bear, and the ways in which we might have, accidentally or not, helped to turn up the heat.