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life lately

2022 books & things community life in alaska life lately

October 25, 2022

A day of firsts…

Snowflakes fell on our home in the morning, heralding of winter’s approach.

Flu season made its debut with an inaugural community case diagnosed in the emergency room.

My daughters secured library cards, checking out books only to devour their haul on the way home.

Mom and Dad went for a walk before bed and made out in the rain (and under the house).

2022 community life lately

October 17, 2022

And after the years away, I’m back on Facebook. A friend shared our outfits today, both at work and on a boat at sunset while we pulled crab; we matched inadvertently both times. There is no time like the present to love the people in front of me, and to do so publicly. Cheers.

2022 life in alaska life lately motherhood

October 14, 2022

There might be something more magical than leaving the college on Fridays, and walking up the street in the crisp fall air just in time to watch my girls file into the dance studio for Nutcracker rehearsal in their black leotards and pink tights. There might be. I just doubt it,