I could do this for a living, my daughter says as she gives her best attempt at a back massage for a total of 27 seconds before becoming bored. There is weird pinching and chopping and inconsistent coverage, but man… she means it. She’s hired.
Wednesdays are long. We barely connect and rarely get everything done by bedtime. But the baby recently learned to make açaí bowls for the family; it’s her job and her joy to make dinner every Wednesday. Her servant’s heart makes me smile out loud.
One of the things Chris and I are learning to navigate is the balance between Momma shouldn’t have to carry the lion’s share of emotional labor in this family and Momma is good at building itineraries and remembering the things others might forget. Two things that have helped? Lists and grace. Lists and grace. Lists and grace.
One of my favorite new connections here involves a long walk from my car and a murmur about the last time a rapid test was taken; boots come off at the door and slippers are offered. Wine is served in ceramic mugs. There are radishes in soup with a garnish of cilantro, and belly laughs six feet apart in a cozy cabin, while dreams are shared about life and love and career and adventure after a pandemic. Slowly but surely, I’m finding my people.
Scents help us find comfort in old memories and creativity in new ones. This is why I’ve recently boxed up my two beloved bottles of perfume, choosing instead to start over. I have in my possession several samples of scents, scents which are unfamiliar to my surroundings and current stage of life. My nose and I are ready for a new thing.
For parents in the thick of the baby and toddler years: time truly does fly.
We’ve been spending weekends hanging with our youngest for years now, without really having to do a thing for them.
There are new challenges here, in the same way those sleepless nights and endless days back then had their own magic.
Each and every season, sweet and sour in its own way.
This energy this week.