Last week, someone asked me about my hobbies. It’s like he’s read my mental diary or something. I’ve been preoccupied with this question for more than a year now. Grad school is over, our cross-country move is completed, my kids are significantly more self-sufficient, what now? I do not know. I honestly do not know. I enjoy reading and tending to my houseplants and cooking from books and taking walks and putting together decent outfits… but dang, I need a hobby.
I wanted to try embroidery when I was a newlywed ten years ago, but I figured it was a fad that would be on its way out as soon as I learned it. I finally taught myself during 2020 and wish I would have started when I first wanted to. I love that it’s portable and mindless enough to do while watching TV or by a window during an afternoon break, maybe with an audiobook in the background. It also gives me something to do instead of scroll while waiting for the water to boil or something. Would highly recommend!
I have a newborn and a toddler and I still often find myself thinking “I need a hobby” and jumping from thing to thing – although I’ve found baking, cooking and curating beautiful dinner parties for my people to be the most life-giving thus far.
For what it’s worth, I think reading, houseplants, taking walks, cooking and putting together outfits are all great hobbies. Reminds me of the Disney movie Soul! Sometimes the smallest pleasures in life really are the biggest things :)